Excuse me, while I disappear. was filmed principally in Kilamba Kiaxi, a new city built outside Luanda, Angola. The project is the largest single investment by China in Africa.

The city was built by Chinese construction company CITIC for 3.5 billion US$ and financed by Hong Kong-based China International Fund. The new city is to be home to more than 250 000 people.

The film’s narrative follows a young municipal worker who lives by night in the old city centre of Luanda and works by day as a groundskeeper at the new city of Kilamba Kiaxi far away. We see him on his morning commute and daily routine sweeping the new city streets. He daydreams and stares at the new buildings. Unable to contain his curiosity, he sneaks into an apartment block, and in turn breaks into an unoccupied apartment. He watches Australian cricket on television. Following the lunch hour siren he climbs to the roof of the building and quietly disappears.

Conceptually, the film is concerned with the visual mechanics of mid- century European ethnographic cinema, African science-fiction, the ‘Metropolitan Picturesque’ and Chinese visual perspective.

Excuse me, while I disappear.

19 minutes 10 seconds
HD video Colour, stereo, 25 fps
2015 Edition 5 +2 A.P.

Written, directed, edited – Michael MacGarry
Featuring - Vicente Bravo
Cinematography - Michael MacGarry
Visual FX - Christo Jansen Niemand
Filmed on location in Kilamba Kiaxi, Luanda – Angola.

- El Ray Award for Excellence in Narrative Short Filmmaking
- Barcelona Film Festival 2015
- Jury Award (Honourable Mention), 13th International Festival Signes de Nuit, Bangkok, 2015
- Jury Award (Honourable Mention), 19th VideoBrasil, Sao Paulo, 2015
- Nominated: Huysmans Young Africa Filmmaker Award 2015 - Finalist







Delta series


Mech series